We search Master/Bachelor student candidates who are motivated and wish to do curiosity driven projects or thesis experimental or theoretical research in our lab.

Bachelor and Mater projects offered by the Soft and Complex Matter Lab for 2023/24 can be found here: BSc and MSc projects 2023/24

Summer jobs for master students are also available: contact@softcomlab.com

In some of the activities, there are possibilities for national or international collaborations, including possibilities for longer stays, for example in performing synchrotron X-ray and/or neutron experiments at international facilities such as ESRF-Grenoble-France, MaxIVLab-Lund-Sweden, LNLS-Campinas-Brazil, Diamond-Oxfordshire-UK, ILL-Grenoble-France, and various neutron research facilities wordlwide.

Our scientific collaborators for possible student projects, including their home laboratories are located in: