NTNU NanoLecture by Jon Otto Fossum, and Barbara Pacakova,
14.00-15.30, September 12,2023.
PFI Lecture hall 5001, the PFI-building, NTNU, Høgskoleringen 6B, 7034 Trondheim, Norway

14.00 Coffee.
14.15 Professor Jon Otto Fossum: "Intro to Soft and Complex Matter Lab, NTNU: Natural nanomaterials for sustainable applications.".
14:50 Refreshments
15.10 Researcher Barbara Pacakova: “Polluting dyes, nanoparticles and clay minerals targeting sustainable batteries and nanoelectronics.”.
15.30 End.
The lectures are open to anyone and participation is free.
The organizers kindly ask help to dimension the refreshments and food by registering here: NTNU Nano Lecture series.

Soft Matter Days 2023 at NTNU (click to see poster and program)

January 17-20 2023:
Includes the 19th Nordic Workshop on Scattering from Soft Matter (NSSM-2023), January 17-18 (see below) followed by a series of lectures given by renowned soft matter scientists hosted by the Soft and Complex Matter Lab in the following days January 18-20, 2023: Francoise Brochard-Wyart (Inst. Curie, Paris), Jean-Francois Joanny (College de France, Paris), Herve This (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, Paris), Patrick Tabeling (ESPCI,Paris), Florence Elias (ESPCI, Paris), Barbara Ruzicka (Sapienza University, Rome).

NTNU Soft Matter Days 2018

April 24-27 2018.
Series of tutorial lectures given by guests of the Soft and Compex Matter Lab: Tuesd. 24/4: Prof. Patrick Tabeling, ESPCI-ParisTech/Pierre Gilles de Gennes Institute for Microfluidics - IPGG, Paris, France, Wednesd. 25/4: Prof. Paul Dommersnes, NTNU/GiaMag Tech., Thursd. 26/4: Prof. Francoise Brochard, Inst. Curie, Paris, France, Frid. 27/4: Prof. Maria Helena Godinho, NOVA Univ. Lisboa, Portugal.

Friday Colloquia, Department of Physics, NTNU

September - November 2015.
Guests of Laboratory for Soft and Compex Matter Studies:
Yves Couder, Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes, Univ. Paris Diderot, Paris, France, Arne Skjeltorp, IFE/Univ. of Oslo/GiaMag, Ludwik Leibler, Matière Molle et Chimie, ESPCI-ParisTech, France, Noushine Shahidzadeh, Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Dimitri Argyriou, Director for Science, European Spallation Source (ESS), Lund, Sweden.

International Workshop on Soft and Complex matter

Physics and chemistry of soft and complex matter and related phenomena. From basic science and natural phenomena to applications and technology. At Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, October 15-16, 2015.

Nordic Physics Days

Session on Soft and Complex Matter at NTNU, Trondheim Norway, June 9-12,2015.

Older events also organized by J. O. Fossum